ADHAAR: UID Project of India

Tembhli village,Nandurbar district,Maharashtra

Launch of Aadhaar — a 12 digit unique identity number for citizens.

Indian PM Manmohan Singh has offered first set of Unit Identification number to the people of this village. First time, latest technology like biometric will be used for providing identification  people. And also first time ever, this technology is used create and store largest amount of database for 1.6 billion people.

ADHAAR, Project which will offer unique identification id to every individual in this nation. India is nation of about 1.6 billion people. So, every Indian will have a stixteen digit code which will distinguish person from the other. It can be used for all public, government or educational purposes. Currently, People use PAN cards, Driving license or Voter ID is used for for identification purpose. But this system is plagued by other. This ID will be offered to Indians within few number of sets.

While giving identity code to person, sixteen digits are randomly generated, irrespective of cast, religion or wealth. This code is stored in centralized database along with biometrics information of person. This information will include photograph, 10 finger prints and iris of that person. Adhaar is verifiable online or mobile web. This technology is robust enough to avoid the duplicate or fake identity.

Identification Authority of India(UIDAI) founded will be responsible to work on this project.  This project is initiated by Wipro Co-founder, Nandan Nilekani. He has expressed ,”The UID project has a potential of transforming public governance. This Adhaar address will provide unique universal, national and mobile identity  to every Indian irrespective of any discrimination. This would help in transparent delivery of public service to the nation.

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